September 1, 2021

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”

Release Highlights

Meet Data and Content

IN SHORT:  Building forms and capturing valuable data from your app users just got a whole lot easier. Build a form once and add it to numerous apps. Edit a form and have the updates automatically appear in all apps using that form.

The top navigation bar of the Studio has been updated to now include Data and Content.

  • Data - Data allows Studio Users to edit, capture, and organize data used in apps.
  • Table Builder - Located under Data, Table Builder allows Studio Users to build Tables to store and manage data. You’ll initially use Table Builder to create Tables connected to Forms. 

  • Content - Content allows Studio Users to store and edit reusable content for apps.
  • Form Builder - Form Builder is available under Content and allows Studio Users to create Forms for their apps. Studio Users can format a Form to capture information such as names, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. from app end users. 

New Available Form Fields:

  • Checkbox - App users can select or unselect this field, such as opting in to receive marketing emails.
  • Date - App users can select a date from a calendar, such as date of purchase.
  • Date & Time - App users can select a date and time, such as when requesting an appointment.
  • Dropdown - App users can easily select from a customized, pre-populated list of options, such as their current insurance provider.
  • Email Input - App users can easily enter an email address and the Form validates the entered content is formatted as an email address.
  • Text Input - Applicable in a wide variety of use cases, app users can enter any text into this field.
  • Numeric Input - App users can easily enter any numeric value, such as an invoice number or model number.
  • Radio Button - App users can select one option from a list of responses, such as selecting their age range or company size.
  • State Selector - App users can easily select from a pre-populated dropdown list of all U.S. States.
  • Telephone Input - App users can easily enter a 10-digit phone number.
  • Text - Studio Users can add text to appear on a form, such as a section header or instructions for app users.
  • Text Area - App users can enter multiline text responses, such as when requesting customer support.
  • Time - App users can easily select a time, such as when requesting an appointment or logging the completion of an activity.
  • Toggle - App users can quickly select or deselect an option using this field.
  • URL Input - App users can easily enter a website address.

It is recommended that Studio users upgrade existing apps to use Page Builder 4.1.0 when using Data and Content.

How to Manage Versions in App

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