September 8, 2022

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future."

Collect Lead Information Faster

Empower your sales teams to boost their productivity with our new Card Scanner Component, Calendly integrations, and more

New Card Scanner Component

Make the process of collecting leads even faster with our new Card Scanner Component. Your marketing and sales teams can scan a business card and have the information instantaneously populate in the Form. After a quick review, the information will flow directly into your CRM of record. You can find the new Card Scanner Component as Form Field when using Form Builder

New Calendly Integrations

With our new data integration with Calendly and the new Calendly Schedule Component, you can visualize all scheduled Calendly events for a specific user in your digital experiences. It’s a great way to view upcoming sales meetings, podcast interviews, booth meetings, and more. 

New Double Button Component

Place buttons side-by-side in your digital experiences with our new Double Button Component. It’s perfect for times when you need to pair two CTAs next to each other, like a phone number and email address, or additional resources like FAQs and videos. 

Component Enhancements

We’re continually making enhancements to our library of design elements. Be sure to upgrade the following Component Sets to use the latest functionality. Read more on Managing Versions in Apps.

  • Content Component Set - v2.0.12
  • Ionic Component Set - v3.26.15
  • Calendly Component Set - v2.2.4

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