May 26, 2022

"Communication works for those who work at it.”

Enhancements to the Lumavate Library

New Components

Terminus Chat Component 
Chat with your customers using the new Terminus Chat FAB. You can add this new Component as a FAB within the Branding section of the Studio. 

Google PDF Viewer Component 
With this Component, visitors to your digital experience can view a PDF stored in Documents directly on the page. You'll need to upgrade the Content Component Set to version 2.0.0 to start using this new Component in your current digital experiences.  

Updated Components

Simple Survey and Rating Survey Connected to Table Builder
These two Components are now connected to Table Builder to make them even easier to use. You'll need to upgrade the Survey Component Set to version 2.0.9 to take advantage of this new functionality in your current digital experiences. 

Enhancements to Wayfinding 
We've made a number of enhancements to our Wayfinding functionality and connected the survey to Table Builder. To take advantage of these enhancements, you'll need to upgrade the Wayfinder Component Set to version 4.1.16 in your current digital experiences. 

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