December 2, 2021

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."

Enhancements to the Lumavate Library

New and Updated Components
IN SHORT: Improvements were made to two Components and we introduced a new way to display a lot of content in a compact view.

New Components

Tabbed Content
Pack a lot into a small space with this new Component. Add up to three tabs with unique content, including the option to include an image.

Available in v1.5.5 of the App Navigation Component Set

Updated Components

Card Carousel
Minor updates were made to the Component's properties, ensuring each Card is consistent. 

Available in v3.18.3 of the Ionic Layout Component Set

Our team polished this Component to improve its usability. The Button Text supports multilingual translations and the entire Component will automatically resize across device types to fit as expected within the app's header and footer.
Available in v1.1.0 of the Form Component Set

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