April 11, 2024

Platform Enhancements

User Roles

Functionality for all nine user roles is now locked down. Explore the access each user role offers and determine the right roles for each of your Studio users.

The nine user roles enable you to allow various team members and departments access to your Lumavate Studio, while ensuring each user can only access what they need. For example, a Designer can edit and delete pages within a digital experience, but this role cannot publish a page.


You will now be able to select any Google Font within the Font Styling section of Branding by using Typeahead. Simply begin typing the name of the Google Font and it matching font names will update in the dropdown list.

Font Styling is found within the Branding section.

Component Updates

Copay Card Component

The Component has been updated to allow Studio users to set the link for the button found in the Completed State section. This update allows Studio users to create a tailored experience that directs customers to the next stage of their journey after completing the savings card process.

Available in v1.0.17 of the Eversana Component Set

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