Managing Studio Users

Lumavate offers nine Studio user roles to ensure your team has the right access and permissions they need to manage product data, digital assets, and digital experiences. Only users with Super Admin roles can manage Studio users.

Studio User information is logged and managed within the Admin section of the Studio. Only Studio users with the role of Super Admin can see the Admin section. The Admin section displays a list of all active Studio users, including their names, email addresses, and assigned role. The Lumavate Customer Support Team is also listed to provide support when specific questions are asked, consulting is needed or problems arise.

Adding Studio Users

  1. Within your Studio, click the gear icon on the left sidebar.
  2. Click the green Add User button found at the bottom right of the screen. column.
  3. In the Add Studio User popup enter:
    • First Name - New Studio User’s first name.
    • Last Name - New Studio User's last name.
    • Email Address - New Studio User's email address. This is the email address they will use to authenticate their account.
    • Role - Select from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click Save to invite the new Studio User. Click Cancel to abandon adding the new Studio User.

After clicking Save, the new Studio User will receive an email invitation, letting them know they’ve been added to the Studio and asking them to verify their account.

If a user had access to another Lumavate Studio or Command Center (based on email address), they will receive an email notification stating they’ve been added to another Studio. The next time they log in, they will see the new Studio in their dropdown menu and have access based on the permissions granted. 

Deleting Studio Users

  1. Within your Studio, click the gear icon on the left sidebar. 
  2. Click on the trash can icon on the far right, next to the user’s name. A confirmation window will appear alerting you that the user will be deleted.
  3. Click OK to confirm deleting the user’s profile. This change is immediate. Click CANCEL to abandon.

User Roles and Functionality

Super Admin Admin Content Manager Data Manager Events Manager Product Manager Designer Expereince Manager Brand Manager
Experience/Page Creation, Editing, and Deleting Full Access Full Access View Only Full Access Full Access View Only Full Access Full Access Full Access
Experience/Page Publishing Full Access Full Access View Only View Only Full Access View Only Hidden Full Access Full Access
Products Creation, Editing, and Deleting Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access View Only Full Access View Only View Only Full Access
Locations Creation, Editing, and Deleting Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access View Only Full Access View Only View Only Full Access
Events Creation, Editing, and Deleting Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access View Only View Only View Only Full Access
Audio, Documents, Images, Text, and Video Adding, Updating, and Deleting Full Access Full Access Full Access View Only Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access
Form Builder Creating, Editing, and Deleting Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access View Only Full Access Full Access Full Access
Data Assets Integrations Full Access Full Access View Only Full Access View Only View Only View Only View Only View Only
Table Builder Full Access Full Access View Only Full Access Full Access View Only View Only Full Access Full Access
Messaging Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access View Only View Only Full Access Full Access
Audiences Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access View Only View Only Full Access Full Access
Activations Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access View Only View Only Full Access Full Access
Admin: Users Full Access Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden
Admin: Redirects Full Access Full Access View Only View Only View Only View Only View Only View Only View Only
Admin: Authenication Full Access Full Access View Only View Only Full Access View Only Full Access Full Access Full Access
Admin: Language Full Access Full Access Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden
Admin: Messaging Setup Full Access Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden

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