Data List

Display a searchable list of results from a data set.

This Component is commonly used to display all products within a single Product Type. It is a single-page Component that enables end users to search and filter the results.

Configuring the Component

Design and customize the Data List Component to meet your needs.

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Name your Component to easily identify it in the left-hand Content list. Set the data source and search field options.

Property Name Instructions
Component Name It is a best practice to use only letters without spaces for the Component Name. Symbols, spaces, and numbers are not recommended.
Data Source to Display

Select from the dropdown options. A secondary field will appear based on the selected data source.

  • Locations
  • Products
  • Salesforce
  • Table Builder
Image Set the image that will appear in the list.
Empty Image If an image is not available based on the previous selection, this field allows Studio users to set a default image to appear.
Record Count Select from the dropdown options how many records will appear on the initial page load. Additional records will appear as users scroll down the page.
Hide If Empty Toggled on by default.
Sort Field (optional) Select a data field that will sort the order of the results.
Search Field Select the data field that will set the search bar parameters. When end users enter queries into the search bar the selected data field sets the search parameters.
Search Text Enter Text or select Content from Text to set what appears in the search prompt.
No Results Found Message This message appears when the end user's search does not yield any results. Set custom text using the Rich Text Editor or select text from Content from Text.

Linked Detail Page

Property Name Instructions
Detail Page Set the record detail link end users will be directed to upon clicking a record from the Data List.
URL Parameter Default set to 'did'.
Parameter Value Leave this blank unless configuring a Salesforce data connection.

The Data List Component can be used to display Related Products stored in Lumavate Products. To display Related Products, this Component must be on a product detail page and a data connection must be set up within Page Properties.

Property Name Instructions
Related Items Field Select a data field from the dropdown. Options will be based on the data connection set up within Page Properties.
Connected Data Field Select from the dropdown. Options will be based on the data connection set up within Page Properties.


Property Name Instructions
Card Background Color There are two ways to set the Color: Click the Color Swatch to choose from the Color Palette set in Branding, or enter the hex code in the text field.
Mobile Card Style Select from the dropdown: Full Card or Short.
Border Color There are two ways to set the Color: Click the Color Swatch to choose from the Color Palette set in Branding, or enter the hex code in the text field.
Border Width (px) Sets the border width in pixels, uses the Border Color property to set the color.
Border Radius (px) Sets how rounded the image corners appear by entering a number from 0 to 24. A setting of 0 will result in sharp corners and a setting of 24 will result in rounded corners. The default is set to 4.
Search Icon's Color There are two ways to set the Color: Click the Color Swatch to choose from the Color Palette set in Branding, or enter the hex code in the text field.
Use Custom Search Icon Toggle on to use a custom search icon.
Custom Search Icon Select the custom icon by uploading an image, selecting from Content, or using an image from the data connection.
Filter Highlight Color There are two ways to set the Color: Click the Color Swatch to choose from the Color Palette set in Branding, or enter the hex code in the text field.

Filters to Display

Set up filters to help your digital experience users narrow the list of results.

Property Name Instructions
Add Select Filters (button) Use this button to add as many filters as required. Select data fields from the dropdown. Options will be based on the connected data source.
Filter Text Set the brief message that appears above the filter options by entering text, selecting Content from Text, or using Text from Data Connection.

Hidden Filters

Control what records appear from the connected data source by limiting results with hidden filters.

Property Name Instructions
Add Hidden Filters (button) Use this button to add as many filters as required. Select data fields from the dropdown. Options will be based on the connected data source.


Configure what information is displayed as the headline for each result.

Property Name Instructions
Data Field Set the text data field that will be used as the card headline for each result.
Text Style Select the font style set in Branding, or select 'custom' to set the font size and color.
Bold Toggle on to bold the headline text.
Italics Toggle on to italicize the headline text.
Alignment Select from the dropdown to set the headline text alignment.


Configure what information is displayed as the subheadline for each result.

Property Name Instructions
Data Field Set the text data field that will be used as the card subheadline for each result.
Text Style Select the font style set in Branding, or select 'custom' to set the font size and color.
Bold Toggle on to bold the subheadline text.
Italics Toggle on to italicize the subheadline text.
Alignment Select from the dropdown to set the subheadline text alignment.

Body copy

Configure what information is displayed as the body copy for each result.

Property Name Instructions
Data Field Set the text data field that will be used as the card body copy for each result.
Text Style Select the font style set in Branding, or select 'custom' to set the font size and color.
Bold Toggle on to bold the body copy.
Italics Toggle on to italicize the body copy.
Alignment Select from the dropdown to set the body copy alignment.


Learn more about Placement settings.

Component Set

The Data List Component is part of the Data Component Set. Learn How to Update to a New Version.

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