October 6, 2022

"An individual can make a difference, but a team can make a miracle."

Platform Enhancements

NEW: Copy Forms and Tables 

With this release, you can now copy a Form Template or an existing Form in your Studio in just a few seconds. Forms tied to both Table Builder and Salesforce can be copied making it easier for you to quickly capture valuable insights from your users and have the data flow to your system of record. You can also copy Table Builder Tables with this release too! 

How to Copy Forms and Tables 

To take advantage of the new functionality, follow these steps to ensure your Forms and Tables are set up correctly. 

Table Builder

First copy a Table from a Template or an existing Table in your Studio. Once the Table is created and you’ve completed modifying fields within the Table, you can now copy the related Form from a Template or an existing Form within your Studio. 


Ensure your Salesforce account is connected to Lumavate. Then copy either a Form Template or an existing Form tied to Salesforce. The fields within the Form should automatically connect to the Objects you synced when connecting Salesforce to Lumavate.

NEW: View Message History

For those on our Professional and Enterprise plans, you can now access real-time data on the number of messages sent, delivery status, and more. You can even export a detailed view of Messaging History. 

NEW: Audience Profile Insights 

Display a detailed view of each Audience Member including messages sent, opt-in status, custom fields, and more.

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