August 12, 2021

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.”

New Additions to the Lumavate Library

New Components + Updated Components

IN SHORT:  We continue to expand our live chat options, enabling you to build more apps with more real-time capabilities. We’re making significant updates to existing Components that provide you more options in formatting and designing an app to fit your vision.

New Components

  1. HubSpot Live Chat
  2. Social Intents Chat FAB
  3. Freshchat FAB

Updated Components

  1. Swiper Cover Flow Carousel and Swiper Image Carousel
  2. Dropdown Navigation
  3. Banner

New Components

HubSpot Live Chat

Integrates with the HubSpot live chat solution.

Available in v1.0.0 of the HubSpot Component Set.

Social IntentsChat FAB

Integrates with the Social Intents live chat solution.

Available in v1.0.0 of the Social Intents Component Set.

Freshchat FAB

Integrates with the Freshdesk (formerly Freshchat) live chat solution.

Available in v1.0.0 of the Freshworks Component Set.

Updated Components

Swiper Cover Flow Carousel and Swiper Image Carousel 

We added a toggle button to each Component so you can opt to have the link open in a new tab.

Available in v3.3.0 of the Image Component Set.

This update gives Studio users a lot more options in formatting the Component. Users can now set the font size, styling, and alignment, add custom icons, add a menu line, and select how the dropdown expands.

Available in v1.3.5 of the App Navigation Component Set.

Studio users can now set the font size and styling, as well as set different background colors for the headline and body copy.

Available in v3.0.11 of the Banner Component Set.

How to Manage Versions in App

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