Image Card

The Image Card is part of the Ionic Layout Component Set. This card includes a Headline and Subheadline over an image.

Ideas for Using Image Card

  • Help your event attendees get to know the keynote speaker. Display their headshot and name, then link the Component to another Page in the app with a full bio.
  • Introduce a new product to the line-up, or use the text overlay to tease a product launch date.
  • Showcase important news and updates. Call out an 'Important Update' in the headline and quickly connect users to more information by linking to another Page or Document.
  • Pro Tip: Select a font color that contrasts with your image. Choose the bold style to make text stand out.

If you are looking to have the text appear below the image, check out Standard Card.

Image Card Properties

The Image Card component has the following properties:

  • Component Id - Sets the name of the Image Card component in the app. The Component Id can be referenced using JavaScript to add more functionality to the app as needed.

    Pro Tip: It is a best practice to use only letters without spaces for the Component Id. Symbols, spaces, and numbers are not recommended.
  • Link - Sets the link to another Page in the app or an external URL.

    Pro Tip: Type in tel:5558675309 to link to a phone number with "5558675309" replaced with the applicable 10-digit phone number or mailto:emailaddress to open up the default email client from the app with "emailaddress" replaced with the email address you want to be sent the email.
  • Open Link in a New Tab - Toggles on or off whether the Link opens in a new tab or not in the app. 
  • Background Color - Sets the color of the card background. There are two ways to set the Background Color: Click the Color Swatch to choose from the app’s Color Palette or enter the hex code in the text field.
  • Image
    • Image - Upload a .JPG or .PNG to display an Image. To remove an uploaded Image, click on the Trash Can.

      Pro Tip: Optimize all Images for the web to increase app performance and shorten load time.
    • ALT Text - Sets the text that appears if the Image fails to load. The Alt Text appears in a blank box where the Image would normally appear. It's recommend to always use Alt Text for any Images. 
  • Headline
    • Text - Enter the text as it should appear in the app. The text uses the font selected in the Font Styling section of Branding. This text will wrap and there is no limit on the number of characters allowed.  
    • Text Color - Sets the color of the Headline Text. There are two ways to set the Text Color: Click the Color Swatch to choose from the app’s Color Palette or enter the hex code in the text field.
    • Font Size - Set the size of the font in pixels. 
    • Bold Text - Toggles on or off to display the text as bold. 
    • Italic Text - Toggles on or off to display the text as italicized.
    • Alignment - Sets the alignment of the Headline Text. Choose from the dropdown list: Left, Right, or Center.
  • Subheadline
    • Text - Enter the text as it should appear in the app. The text uses the font selected in the Font Styling section of Branding. This text will wrap and there is no limit on the number of characters allowed.  
    • Text Color - Sets the color of the Subheadline Text. There are two ways to set the Text Color: Click the Color Swatch to choose from the app’s Color Palette or enter the hex code in the text field.
    • Font Size - Set the size of the font in pixels. 
    • Bold Text - Toggles on or off to display the text as bold. 
    • Italic Text - Toggles on or off to display the text as italicized.
    • Alignment - Sets the alignment of the Subheadline Text. Choose from the dropdown list: Left, Right, or Center.

Image Card Placement Settings

The Placement Settings for the Component sets which column(s) the Component will appear. Each Page of the app can have a different number of columns that are set in the Layout section of the Page Settings. The following Placement settings are available for this Component:

  • Column Start - Sets the column where the Component will start. 
  • Column Span - Sets how many columns the Component will span. 
  • Padding - Sets how much space will appear on the top, bottom, left, and right of the Component. When building a Page with multiple Components, the Padding will determine the overall spacing between Components.
  • Display Mode - Sets how the Component is displayed. If Both is selected, the Component will always show. Both are the default option. If Optimal is selected, the Component will only show if the browser supports the app. The main supported browsers are Chrome and Safari. If Degraded is selected, the Component will only show if the browser does not support the app. The main unsupported browser is Internet Explorer.

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