
Assets is a part of the Features Library. Assets have the ability to host files, such as PDFs, that can be opened in an app and viewed in full-screen mode.

Assets Properties

The Assets feature has the following properties:

  • Name - Sets the name of the feature in the app. It is defaulted to Assets but can be changed.
  • Service Uri - This is an uneditable
  • Microservice Type - Select the Microservice Type. Choose between Normal, Auth, or PWA. The default is set to Normal, which is the recommended setting.

Below are instructions on:

How to Add the Asset Feature to an App

Create or open an existing app.
Click the + plus sign located in the top left of the screen.
A new window will open. Under the Features section select Assets
The Assets Feature will appear at the bottom of the Content list in the left-hand column. 

How to Add Files to the Asset Feature

Click the Pencil Icon next to Assets.
Click on Microservice to expand the section. 
Click Launch Admin. A new tab will open where files can be added and managed. 
Click the blue + icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. A modal window will appear.
Click Choose File and select a file from your saved items to upload.
Important Note: The name of the uploaded file will be used in the hosted url and visible to app users. File names cannot contain special characters nor double spaces. It is recommended that file names avoid any spaces and instead use dashes between words.
Click Save.
The file will appear in the list. 
Confirm the file uploaded as expected by clicking OPEN in the column titled Draft File. A new tab will open displaying the uploaded file.

How to Add an Uploaded File to an App Page

After adding a file to the Asset Feature, copy the file's URL that appears in the URL column.
Return to the app and click the Pencil Icon of the Page you wish you edit.    
In any Component with a Link Property, paste the copied URL into the external link field. Make sure to remove any extra spaces before or after the URL.

How to Delete an Asset

Click the Pencil Icon next to Assets.
Click on Microservice to expand the section. 
Click Launch Admin. A new tab will open where files can be added and managed. 
Click on the trash icon next to the file. The file will be marked for deletion. The file will be deleted the next time the app is published. Please note, any apps using the URL associated with the deleted file, will no longer display the file to app users. Click UNDO to cancel the file deletion before publishing the app.

How to Edit an Asset

Click the Pencil Icon next to Assets.
Click on Microservice to expand the section. 
Click Launch Admin. A new tab will open where files can be added and managed. 
Click the Pencil Icon next to the file.
Click  Choose File and select a file from your saved items to upload.
Click Save. The file URL will remain the same, but the new file will be shown in place of the previous file. This allows Studio Users to easily update linked files without having to update the file URLs throughout an app.

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