July 11, 2024

Platform Enhancements

Default Studio View

Upon logging into a Studio, users will now see the Products section if product records are stored in Lumavate. If there aren't any product records, Studio users will be taken directly to the Experiences section of the Studio.

Improved Page List View

We streamlined the design of this Studio page to make it easier for Studio users to see the names of digital experiences and quickly find the edit and launch icons.

Improved page list view

Changes to Activations

Text activations are now managed within the Messaging section of the Lumavate Studio. Within a digital experience, the Activations section displays the QR code, URL, NFC, and iFrame.

Activations within a digital experience now displays QR, URL, NFC, and iFrame.

New Locations Functionality

Product records can now be related to Locations. Studio users can edit Locations and relate products that are perhaps sold or serviced at those locations, for example.

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