Salesforce Account Engagement

Adding Lumavate as a New Connected App in Salesforce

There are two parts to connecting your Salesforce Instance to Lumavate. First, you'll need to set up Lumavate as a new connected app within Salesforce. Your Salesforce Admin will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Within the Lumavate Studio, navigate to Data in the left navigation, then click on Salesforce.
  2. At the same time, go to your Salesforce instance and navigate to App Manager located under Platform Tools.
  3. Click the button, New Connected App.
  4. Name the new connected app "Lumavate" and enter in your Salesforce admin's contact information.
  5. Click the checkbox to Enable OAuth Settings.
  6. Return to the Lumavate Studio, copy the Callback URL. Make sure to delete everything in the Callback URL before "test". Then in your Salesforce Instance, paste it into the “Callback URL” box. The Callback URL you paste into the Connected App in Salesforce should look similar to this:
  7. Select the following OAuth Scopes in Salesforce:
    1. Manage Pardot services (pardot_api)
    2. Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
  8. Uncheck the checkbox in Salesforce: Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows
  9. Confirm Require Secret for Web Sever Flow and Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow checkboxes are checked.
  10. Save the page.

NOTE: Give the data about 10 minutes to process in Salesforce before completing the next part in connecting your Salesforce instance to Lumavate.

Connecting Your Salesforce Instance to Lumavate

Once you've added Lumavate as a new connected app in Salesforce, you can begin to sync the data from Salesforce to Lumavate following these steps:

  1. Navigate to App Manager in Salesforce and click on the Lumavate connected app. 
  2. Copy the Consumer Key.
  3. Return to Data in the Lumavate Studio, click the gear icon next to "Account Engagement", and paste the Consumer Key you just copied under the "Client ID" field.
  4. In Salesforce, reveal your Consumer Secret. Copy it and paste it under the "Client Secret" in Salesforce Settings in Lumavate. 
  5. Enter your custom  Salesforce Domain name into the Salesforce setting box in your Lumavate Studio. 
  6. Enter your Account Engagement Business Unit Id. To find your Business Unit Id, go to Salesforce Setup and search for "Business Unit" in the Quick Find Box. Click "Business Unit Setup" and your Business Unit Id will be next to your Business Unit Name. Note: You MUST get your Business Unit ID from the Salesforce Setup and not from the Account Engagement UI.
  7. Click the green Save button. 
  8. Click the Login button and have a Salesforce Admin login using their Salesforce credentials.

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