June 30, 2022

"The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time" 

Enhancements to the Lumavate Library

IN SHORT: This is our biggest release EVER with Content from Text, a redesigned Branding section, Component Enhancements, and more. 

Platform Enhancements

NEW: Content from Text
Ensure consistent messaging throughout your digital experiences with our new Content from Text. Content from Text is great for product descriptions, company boilerplate, or even CTA messaging on buttons. 

With this new functionality, you can add the same Rich Text or Plain Text to multiple experiences. When using Rich Text, you can customize the format of the content in one location and the appearance will be identical across all experiences. With Plain Text, you can customize the appearance of the text in each digital experience. 

Redesigned Branding
In Branding, you can now designate your font styles for H1, H2, H3, H4, paragraph, buttons, and links to use in design elements throughout your digital experiences. To take advantage of this functionality, update App Builder to v2.0.7, Page Builder to v6.1.9, and update your applicable Component Sets. 

Add Collections, Experiences, Pages, and Components Even Faster
Adding Collections, Pages, and Components got a refresh! You'll notice a new button when you go to add a new Collection, Page, or Component to your digital experience. First, upgrade to App Builder 2.0.7, then upgrade to Page Builder 6.1.9 or 5.1.15 for this functionality. 

Component Enhancements
We've updated numerous Components so you can take advantage of the Branding functionality. To start using this new functionality, you need to upgrade versions in the following order: App Builder v.2.0.7, Page Builder v.6.1.9, and applicable Component Sets using the versions listed below. 

  • App Navigation Component Set v.1.7.1
  • Banner Component Set v.3.2.0
  • Calendly Component Set v.2.1.11
  • Compliance Component Set v.1.1.17
  • Content Component Set v.2.0.6
  • Favorites Component Set v.1.0.15
  • Ionic Component Set v.3.24.1
  • Navigation Component Set v.1.2.0
  • Rich Text Component Set v.3.1.3
  • Survey Component Set v.2.1.2

Catch up on everything that's new with this release: 

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