January 20, 2022

"Don't Worry, Be Happy"

Enhancements to the Lumavate Library

New Components

IN SHORT: It's a New Year and we've got new functionality. You have a new option for embedding videos and you can track the digital consent of app users.

New Components

Kaltura Video Player
Here's another way you can add videos to your apps. Simply drop in a Kaltura video ID to embed it into any app.

Available in v1.0.0 of the Kaltura Component Set

New Available Form Fields

Digital Confirmation
This new form field Component enables Studio Users to create a custom confirmation/consent message with a checkbox on any form. When added to a form, the Digital Confirmation is recorded with the app user’s name, a date/time stamp, and checkbox acknowledgment.

Platform Enhancements

Database Maintenance
Lumavate successfully updated our databases during the scheduled downtime on January 19.

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