Form Field: Rich Text

The Rich Text Form Field allows Studio Users to add Rich Text to a Form. Studio users can easily format text styling, color, and size, as well as include bulleted lists. 

Add Rich Text to a Form

Login to the Studio and click Content.
Create a new Form using the Green Plus Sign or click on an existing Form.
Connect your Form to the applicable Connected Data Source and Table
Click on the Green Plus Sign and select the Dropdown Form Field.
Input the applicable Properties for the Rich Text Form Field.
Add any other applicable Form Fields to the Form.
Publish once you're ready to make the Form available to Apps within the Studio.

Rich Text Form Field Properties

The Rich Text Form Field has the following properties:

  • Component Id - Sets the name of the Form Field Component in the app. The Component Id can be referenced using JavaScript to add more functionality to the app as needed.

    Pro Tip: It is a best practice to use only letters without spaces for the Component Id. Symbols, spaces, and numbers are not recommended.
  • Rich Text - Click Edit to open the Rich Text content modal. Enter the text in this modal. The text will wrap and there is no limit on the number of characters allowed. The toolbar is used to format the text as needed. 
  • Half Width - Toggles on or off to determine if the Form Field spans the full width of the Form or only half of the form's width.

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