Building Your First Experience

Jump into your Lumavate Studio and begin building your dream digital experience today! After entering your Studio, click the green "Add" button at the top right of your screen to add an app. Name your experience and if you have a Basic or Standard plan you can select your activation code. Then click Create!

It is best to start by setting up the Branding section, where you can select your font and color pallets for your experience. We recommend waiting to set up a Header or Footer until after you’ve created a few key Pages. 

Adding a Page
Every experience is made up of Pages and Components. To add a page click the "Add Page" button at the top of your screen next to your app’s name. 

Then, click the edit pencil to begin editing. 

Adding Design Elements
Now time to add the fun stuff, the Components. To add Components, click the "Add Components"  button at the top of your screen and the Component Selector will appear. 

You can choose from design elements like images, text, and videos. Select from the many Components and begin customizing. 

The preview will update as you work so you can see your updates in real-time. Drag and drop your Components to rearrange them on the Page to better suit your needs. 

Add as many Pages and Components as you need to build your dream digital experience!

Watch: Building Your First App

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