Twitter Hashtag Button

The Twitter Hashtag Button Component allows Studio Users to connect app users with a trending Twitter topic. Studio Users can add any hashtag to the Twitter Hashtag Button. When app users click on the button, Twitter will open. If they have a Twitter profile then a draft of a new tweet with the hashtag prepopulated will appear, allowing them to easily join any trending conversation.

Add Twitter Hashtag Button Component to a Page

Create or open an existing app.
Click the Edit Pencil on a Page.
Click the Green + Icon, located in the bottom right corner.
Either scroll to Twitter Hashtag Button in the list or begin typing Twitter Hashtag Button to search the list. 

Select Twitter Hashtag Button. The Twitter Hashtag Button Component will appear at the bottom of the Content list in the left-hand column. The Twitter Hashtag Button Properties will appear in the right-hand column.

Twitter Hashtag Button Properties

The Twitter Hashtag Button Component has the following properties:

  • Component Id - Sets the name of the Twitter Hashtag Button Component in the app. The Component Id can be referenced using JavaScript to add more functionality to the app as needed.

    Pro Tip: It is a best practice to use only letters without spaces for the Component Id. Symbols, spaces, and numbers are not recommended.
  • Hashtag - Enter any hashtag, such as #marketingtwitter.

Watch the video for more tips and help on using Twitter Components.

Twitter Hashtag Button Placement Settings

The Placement Settings for the Component sets which column(s) the Component will appear. Each Page of the app can have a different number of columns that are set in the Layout section of the Page Settings. The following Placement Settings are available for this Component:

  • Column Start - Sets the column where the Component will start. 
  • Column Span - Sets how many columns the Component will span. 
  • Padding - Sets how much space will appear on the top, bottom, left, and right of the Component. When building a Page with multiple Components, the Padding will determine the overall spacing between Components.
  • Display Mode - Sets how the Component is displayed. If Both is selected, the Component will always show. Both are the default option. If Optimal is selected, the Component will only show if the browser supports the app. The main supported browsers are Chrome and Safari. If Degraded is selected, the Component will only show if the browser does not support the app. The main unsupported browser is Internet Explorer.

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