
The Banner is part of the Banner Component Set. The Banner Component appears over a Page's content in the app and must be dismissed by the app end user. 

Ideas for Using Banner

  • Ensure app users are getting important information. The user must dismiss the Banner to interact with the Page content. Set it to appear on just the first visit or each time the user visits the app.
  • Event apps can use this Component to display schedule and location changes.
  • Notify customers of product changes or new releases.
  • In an employee-focused app, draw attention to can’t-miss notices.

    Pro Tip: Combine with Time-based Logic to have the Banner only appear on specific days and times. For example, have the Banner appear when Support Chat is unavailable.

If you’re looking for an alert that is subtler or allows for links to another Page, external site, or Document, checkout Toast.

Banner Properties

The Banner Component has the following properties:

  • Component Id - Sets the name of the Banner Component in the app. The Component Id can be referenced using JavaScript to add more functionality to the app as needed.

    Pro Tip: It is a best practice to use only letters without spaces for the Component Id. Symbols, spaces, and numbers are not recommended.

  • Vertical Alignment - Sets the vertical alignment of the Banner on the Page. Choose from the dropdown list: Top, Center, or Bottom. Default is set to Center. 
  • Only Show on First Visit - Toggle on or off to have the banner display only on first visit. 
  • Headline
    • Text - Enter the text as it should appear in the app. The text uses the font selected in the Font Styling section of Branding. This text will wrap and there is no limit on the number of characters allowed.

      Pro Tip: While there is no limit to the number of body text characters allowed, the Banner copy will not scroll. Be sure to verify that all content entered is viewable on a mobile device.

    • Text Color - Sets the color of the Headline Text. There are two ways to set the Text Color: Click the Color Swatch to choose from the app’s Color Palette or enter the hex code in the text field.
    • Font Size (px) - Set the size of the font in pixels. 
    • Bold Text - Toggles on or off to display the text as bold. Default is set to on. 
    • Italic Text - Toggles on or off to display the text as italicized. Default is set to off. 
    • Alignment - Sets the alignment of the Headline Text. Choose from the dropdown list: Left, Right, or Center.
  • Body Copy
    • Text - Enter the text as it should appear in the app. The text uses the font selected in the Font Styling section of Branding. This text will wrap and there is no limit on the number of characters allowed.

      Pro Tip: While there is no limit to the number of body text characters allowed, the Banner copy will not scroll. Be sure to verify that all content entered is viewable on a mobile device.

    • Text Color - Sets the color of the Body Copy Text. There are two ways to set the Text Color: Click the Color Swatch to choose from the app’s Color Palette or enter the hex code in the text field.
    • Font Size (px) - Set the size of the font in pixels. 
    • Bold Text - Toggles on or off to display the text as bold. Default is set to off. 
    • Italic Text - Toggles on or off to display the text as italicized. Default is set to off. 

      Alignment - Sets the alignment of the Body Copy Text. Choose from the dropdown list: Left, Right, or Center.


      Learn more about Placement settings.

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