Logging In the First Time

All new Lumavate users will receive an email from support@lumavate.com with instructions on how to create a password. After a password is created, all new users will be prompted to set up two-factor authentication. 

What is Two-factor Authentication? 

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security added to your account to prevent someone from logging in if they figure out your password. This extra security measure requires you to verify your identity using a randomized six-digit code we'll send you via SMS if you’re in the U.S. (text) or the Google Authenticator app if you’re outside the U.S. 

How to Use Two-factor Authentication with Lumavate

  1. Go to app.lumavate.com and enter your password.
  2. You’ll be promoted to set up two-factor authentication. It will automatically default to showing a QR code to use with the Google Authenticator app. You can also choose “Try Another Method” to switch to SMS. 
  3. Using SMS for Two-Factor Authentication (U.S. only)

    1. Select Try Another Method from the two-factor authentication screen. It’s located at the bottom of the screen.
    2. Enter your mobile phone number (U.S. based mobile numbers only)
    3. Click Submit
    4. You’ll receive a text from 586828 with your six-digit access code. 
    5. Enter six-digit code on your computer. 
    6. Congratulations! You’ve successfully setup two-factor authentication and are logged into the Studio!

    Using Google Authenticator

    1. On your phone, download the Google Authenticator app from the App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android) 
    2. Open the Google Authenticator app and select “scan barcode” to scan the barcode on your computer screen
    3. Enter six-digit code on your computer. 
    4. Congratulations! You’ve successfully setup two-factor authentication and are logged into the Studio!

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